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How To Land A Sales Job in Digital Media

How To Land A Sales Job in Digital Media | FGS Recruitment

When you think of working in the media industry, a sales role probably isn’t the first thing that springs to mind however it’s a fun and fast paced career. If you have an interest in the media industry and a passion for sales, then a career in media sales could be for you.

So what is media sales?

Media sales covers a wide spectrum of media types. As a sales person within traditional media you could be selling advertising space in magazines and newspapers, on websites, TV and radio or selling floor space and sponsorship for events and exhibitions.

Here at FGS we specialise in digital media sales jobs within digital media agencies. Our clients typically work with publishers to help them monetise their content to drive higher engagement. These digital agencies recommend content on the web’s most respected media properties by promoting it to a client’s target audience at the time they are most receptive to it.

What skills are required to work within digital media sales?

Working in sales is not going to be for everyone. Sales is essentially making a human connection therefore personality is key when it comes to doing well in a sales based role.

Selling is not about being able to talk the talk. A consultative approach within sales is extremely important as are good listening skills. Selling is about fulfilling a need therefore you need to be able to understand the needs of the person you are selling to by asking the right questions and listening to their answers before using the information to build a case to sell your product. Building good, solid client relationships is key to being a top performing sales person.

Depending on the level of the role you are going for, proven sales experience is always going to be beneficial unless you are applying for an entry-level role. Some agencies would also prefer that you have some form of digital or technology sales experience whether that be traditional media or digital media however there are plenty of companies out there that will take on people from outside of industry given that you have sales experience.

Here are some of the required skills that have been taken from our client’s job descriptions:

What about qualifications?

There aren’t any formal qualifications required for a role within media sales however most employers will look for a basic standard of education for example five GCSE grades A-C including English and Maths. Other employers will require A-levels and some even a university degree.

More important than any qualification is an understanding of and a passion for the media industry with an enthusiasm for selling.

What is the potential for career progression?

An entry level into a career within media sales will usually be a position as a Sales Executive. Successful executives will then progress to Senior Sales Executives before going onto career in Account Management or Business Development depending on your skill set and desires. Many senior managers started off their career as a Sales Executive so hard work really does pay off.

This all sounds great! How do you recommend I approach the application process?

Finding and applying for positions within digital media sales is approached in the same way as any other role. Employers will either deal with the recruitment process in-house and advertise vacancies directly or they will use a specialist media recruitment agency such as ourselves to fill vacancies. Finding a digital media recruitment agency that you can trust is important when looking for a new sales jobs within media as they will have access to a range of opportunities and companies in the market.

Once you’ve found one or two agencies that you would like to work with, it’s important to build relationships with them so that they can sell you into potential employers to the best of their ability. Not everyone is going to suit every role therefore an experienced recruiter will put people forward for jobs that best suit their experience, specifications and expectations.

When you’ve landed an interview, it’s important that you research the company you are interviewing with thoroughly and that goes beyond just reciting back to them the first paragraph of the about page on their website. Look up your interviewers on LinkedIn, research their clients or customers and read up on their latest news.

Personality wise you will need to be talkative, confident and enthusiastic with the ability to think on your feet and above all listen.

Are you looking for a sales or marketing job within Digital Media? Check out our digital media jobs page. Keep up to date with our latest career advice articles and jobs by signing up to our newsletter and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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